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Mandatory drone insurance: how much it costs, where to get it
From 15 December 2019, drone insurance must be taken out. But how much is it? Where can it be done? Here’s what you need to know about drone insurance. The new Civil Aviation Regulation requires ALL of drones owners to take out insurance before you fly.
Like many other innovations, this could catch many citizens unprepared, who will now have to adapt all their equipment. In this article, we will find out everything you need to know.
In short, however, I can tell you that without insurance, you cannot fly your drone. Very simple and clear.
In particular, here’s what the regulation says:
It is not allowed to conduct operations with a SAPR unless an insurance concerning liability towards third parties, adequate for the purpose, has been stipulated and valid.
The new regulation, therefore, does not allow for real differences between recreational and working discoveries, let alone in terms of size.
Which type of drones doesn’t need insurance?
Drones toy, or those built specifically for children, are exempt from compulsory insurance.
This type of product is recognizable by the ” CE ” mark, which testifies that that object complies with the European legislation on toys for children under the age of 14.
If the value “+14” (or higher) is shown, the insurance is equally mandatory. In short, therefore, the only category excluded is that of toy drones, which can fly without insurance. All the others, however, must take out insurance.
If you have not moved in time and are looking for insurance for your drone, below I will give you some useful information that will help you solve your problem in the easiest and fastest way possible, directly online and without wasting time.
Drone insurance cost:
First of all, let’s try to understand how much drone insurance costs. How much do you have to spend to secure a drone before flying it?
As with any other product, the prices of drone insurance vary according to many different factors, therefore it is not possible to establish an indicative cost.
Trivially, the price of insurance varies a lot depending on whether the drone is used for hobby or work. And the weight of the drone also has a great impact on the cost of insurance.
To give you an order of magnitude of what your drone insurance could cost, I can tell you that in principle the amount you will have to pay can be a few tens of euros (with a ceiling of 1,000,000 euros).
Just as you do for car insurance, however, it would be advisable to consult different insurance agencies, even taking advantage of the different online services, and find the best compromise, bearing in mind also the deductible, which involves an expense borne by the insured in case of damage caused by the drone.
In short, the insurance for the drone is not very different from that for the car. Only the price you have to change changes, which fortunately is quite low.
But where can you buy drone insurance? What is the best drone insurance? We also try to answer these questions.
Best drone insurance:
As you can see by searching on Google, there are now many drone insurance that you can freely take out. But I want to share my experience with you.
I currently own a DJI Mavic Mini, a small drone that I use as a hobby and weighs less than 250 grams.
In my case, among many, I chose the insurance offered by the Avion Drone Insurance, which offers policies for hobbyists, policies for the fourteenth century, policies for SAPR, KASKO for SAPR and legal protection for SAPR, all relying on CABI BROKER at an insurance level.
In my case, I spend 30 euros/year and I can fly in total safety with my little drone. As already mentioned, there are various drone insurance policies based on various parameters, but I chose this because:
- Subscribes online, without going to agencies and wasting time with people who maybe don’t even know what policy they are selling us.
- It is proposed by a very authoritative portal in terms of drones.
- It costs little and has a very competitive price.
- You subscribe quickly and in just a few steps.
- If you want, you can join a community of drone enthusiasts.
In short, I have now been taking out this insurance for 2 years (I was also using it for Spark ) and I am very satisfied, so I recommend it to you, YourLifeUpdated readers too.
What is the minimum ceiling?
The ceiling is the maximum amount that the agency will be able to pay if the policyholder causes damage.
There is a minimum ceiling, as underlined in article 7 of the ENAC Regulation (EC) 785/2004. This sum is equivalent to about 800,000 euros.
Almost all insurances, in order to comply with the regulations of the reference institution, ensure higher ceilings than this figure.
I hope I have clarified doubts and questions about drone insurance. The important thing I want to pass is that now, with the regulation just approved, the drone hobby insurance has become mandatory. Fortunately, however, securing a drone is a fast and straightforward operation, which you can do directly online by following our tips.
You are free to choose the insurance you prefer for your drone, the important thing is that you do it before flying, otherwise you risk big trouble with the new ENAC regulation.
Important information clarified by ENAC:
- Recreational drones> 249g will need to be registered on the D-flight website starting July 1, 2020.
- The pilot of the recreational drone> 249g will have to obtain the online certificate, the so-called license, by 1 July 2020 on a date starting from 1 March 2020. Those who are recreational pilots will have until 1 July 2020 to obtain the certificate but in the meanwhile, you can use the drone.
- From 1 June to 30 September it is forbidden to use a drone on the beach within 100m of the coastline at a height of less than 300m from the ground. In practice, in summer you can NO longer fly on the beach with the drone.