Kickass Torrent new address 2024: find out HERE

by James
Kickass Torrent

What is the working address of the Kickass Torrent site? Old Kickass Torrent Address Not Working? Discover the new updated address

Address Kickass Torrent



More and more often I receive questions from YLU readers about indexing, search and download sites for torrent files that are periodically closed and blocked in Italy (for obvious reasons related to copyright).

As we are now used to seeing, from one day to the next some torrent sites seem to no longer work and to less attentive users it seems that they have closed their doors, but in reality, they have simply been blacked out and made inaccessible by Italy.

Basically, the site is there and still existing, it continues to work perfectly, but from Italy without a VPN it is no longer reachable.


This article has been prepared for informational and illustrative purposes only. Downloading and sharing audiovisual material protected by copyright from the Internet is a crime, it is not our intention to encourage piracy, therefore we decline any responsibility for the use of the information contained herein.

Kickass Torrent No Longer Working?

In particular, recently I received many emails from users asking me why the Kickass Torrent site was no longer working and why it was no longer possible to access the site’s homepage.

I checked and it seemed to me that Kickass Torrent worked without any problems, but I actually had an active VPN, which allows me to access all the blocked and obscured sites in Italy.

Without a VPN, however, the site in question didn’t seem to work. When loading the homepage, I would see this error message:

“Unable to reach the site”

If you also see this error message while trying to load the torrent site in question, don’t worry, there is a quick and easy way to get it working again and below I explain how to do it.

How to Access Kickass Torrent

Disclaimer: we do not support any kind of copyright infringement, whether torrenting or otherwise. We realize that despite the fact that P2P file sharing is legal, some of the files shared via torrents are copyrighted material. Sharing such torrents could result in legal proceedings from the content owners.

Truth be told, there are various ways to access Kickass Torrent again.

Below I show you all of them, you will then be the one to choose the most comfortable and suitable one for your needs. Start!

  1. First of all, I recommend that you try to reach the new address of the site, i.e the error message appeared because you were connecting to the old portal address, while with the new one everything should work correctly
  2. If the previous method doesn’t work, try using a VPN to protect your online browsing sessions using our tips we’ve put together here: 8 Best Free VPNs. In this way, you will be able to browse the net safely and anonymously, and you will also be able to reach the site without problems
  3. Try changing the DNS on your computer, smartphone, tablet, Smart TV, or other device.

That’s it.


Of course, we will always keep the article updated to ALWAYS notify you of the updated and working address of the Kickass Torrent site.

With this article on Kickass Torrent, I would say that we are done.


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