5 Ways To Fix Huge Battery Drain Problem on Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+( Maintain your battery life)

by Abbey banji
5 Ways To Fix Huge Battery Drain Problem on Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+( Maintain your battery life) 9

   Many Samsung Galaxy s8 and S8plus users are having a serious problem with battery drain on their new device. Finding a solution or a fix to your battery life problems can be down to trial and error. In most cases it might be some apps are causing excessive drain, an hardware defect or a battery replacement is needed. Having issues with battery life/usage is a limiting factor for a great user experience, here are 5 Ways To help you Fix battery drain problem on Samsung Galaxy s8 and S8+ and maintain your battery life to last longer.

Possible Fix And Soluions:

1. Install Greenify app from Playstore:

   Many users have report a better battery life, after using Greenify to hibernate unused and background apps. You need to know that your smartphone will become slower and battery hungrier after lots of apps are installed. With Greenify, your device can run almost as smoothly and last longer as it did the first day you bought it!  Greenify help you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation when you are not using them, to stop them from lagging your device and leeching the battery, in a unique way. They can do nothing without explicit launch by you or other apps, while still preserving full functionality when running in foreground. Click on the link below to download the app from the playstore: Download Greenify.apk

2. Do a factory reset:

   If the above suggestion doesn’t help and the battery life doesn’t improve, you should do a factory reset and try not to install ANY apps for at least 2-3 charges. After a couple of days, install your key apps and use it for another 2-3 charges paying attention to your battery life and usage, if you are satisfied with the result you can then start to install all your other apps. Don’t forget to also check your standby time with and without data connectivity when you do not have any apps installed.


3. Monitor your device for Wake-locks and get rid of rogue apps:

   Some installed apps like Facebook Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram or all the other new, and cool social networks sometimes draining too much battery even while the screen is off. I will suggest you use an app like betterbattery stats from Playstore, it will help you monitor installed applications on your phone for wakelocks( and identify rogue apps which always keep your phone awake and consume battery). With BetterBatteryStats you can analyse the behavior of your phone, find applications causing the phone to drain battery while it is supposed to be asleep and measure the effect of corrective actions and detect changes in the awake/sleep profile and quickly find the causes. Download BetterBatteryStats.apk from playstore HERE

4. Disable bloatware and applications that you don’t need:

   For you to be able to do this, you need to install package disabler pro on play store. This will help you disable any packages or services (Installed, Bloatware and System) on your Samsung devices WITHOUT ROOT, make them disappear, save your RAM usage, Battery life and improve your Performance. All disabled package is marked unavailable from running and updating. Package Disabler work with almost all Samsung Galaxy devices including our beloved S8/S8 Plus.  Download it from Playstore HERE

5. Update or upgrade your phone to the latest firmware:

   By updating your phone to the latest version of android available from Samsung, you will get the latest security bug fix and patches available. Check for the latest update for your device under settings or update manually with ODIN. Check out this post for more information about this HERE

Other possible fix and solutions:

  • Try switching wallpaper and themes to black. The phone screen will Consumes less battery power.
  • Clear data and wipe cache of installed apps.
  • Use your phone in safe mode and see if battery life test will improve.
  • Bad network coverage can cause battery drain, activate airplane mode and use WiFi when possible.
  • Disable Always On display.
  • Use automatic brightness or lower the screen brightness.

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1 comment

Blogger September 24, 2017 - 12:00 pm

Want to know how to save money and NEVER purchase a new battery again?
Take the Battery Reconditioning Course.


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