Top 4 Apps to Help you Maintain your Android battery Life (Stop Battery Drain)

by Abbey banji
Top 4 Apps to Help you Maintain your Android battery Life (Stop Battery Drain) 9

   It is a known fact, that with every new Android operating system comes a few bugs and one of the major issues is poor battery performance. Here are 4 best apps you can install today, to give your phone or tablet a battery boost and stop battery drain.

1. Package disabler pro(only for Samsung phones)

   This will help you disable any packages or services (Installed, Bloatware and System) on your Samsung devices WITHOUT ROOT, make them disappear, save your RAM usage, Battery life and improve your Performance. All disabled package is marked unavailable from running and updating. Package Disabler work with almost all Samsung Galaxy devices including the Galaxy S8/S8 Plus.  It is a paid application available for only $3,  IT MAY NOT WORK ON ROOTED DEVICE. IT works on the latest Android Nougat.
Download it from Playstore HERE


2. Greenify

   Greenify allows you to hibernate unused and background apps. You need to know that your smartphone will become slower and battery hungrier after lots of apps are installed. With Greenify, your device can run almost as smoothly and last longer as it did the first day you bought it. Greenify help you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation when you are not using them, to stop them from lagging your device and leeching the battery, in a unique way. They can do nothing without explicit launch by you or other apps, while still preserving full functionality when running in foreground. Before you hibernate any apps on your device be sure to know what you are doing, hibernating system apps will cause problems. It work for both Rooted and Unrooted devices and you need a minimum of Android 4.0
Click on the link below to download the app from the playstore: Download Greenify.apk from Playstore

3. Betterbattery stats

   Now with betterbattery stats app you can easily Monitor your device for Wake-locks and get rid of rogue apps. Some installed apps like Facebook Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and all the other new, and cool social networks sometimes draining too much battery even while the screen is off. I will suggest you use an app like betterbattery stats from Playstore, it will help you monitor installed applications on your phone for wakelocks( and identify rogue apps which always keep your phone awake and consume battery). With BetterBatteryStats you can analyze the behavior of your phone, find applications causing the phone to drain battery while it is supposed to be asleep and measure the effect of corrective actions and detect changes in the awake/sleep profile and quickly find the causes. Download BetterBatteryStats.apk from playstore

4.  Forcedoze

   ForceDoze is an app that forces Doze mode right after you turn off your screen. Instead of waiting for the default time period (30 mins), Doze kicks in immediately. ForceDoze also disables motion sensing, so Doze doesn’t activate while in your pocket or while the device is moving with screen off, giving far more battery savings than standard Doze functionality. ForceDoze also allows you to whitelist specific apps so they don’t get suspended or disabled when Doze mode is active. If your device OEM has disabled Doze on your device, then ForceDoze can enable it for you.
ForceDoze requires ROOT
Download from Playstore

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