How to Get Unlimited space on Google Drive using G Suite business Account

by Abbey banji
Google drive unlimited storage space
Google drive unlimited storage space

Google drive unlimited storage space

Google Drive unlimited space for free. Here is a secret trick that allows you to have unlimited storage space on Google Drive. In today’s guide, I’ll let you know a little method that will allow you to get unlimited Gigabytes on Google Drive, allowing you to upload an infinite amount of files to the cloud storage space.

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The steps to follow to reach your goal are few and simple.

To proceed, however, you MUST have a business account at G Suite, which is Google’s services for businesses and professionals. It is not possible to have unlimited Gigabytes Storage on Google Drive for “normal” users, i.e. it is not available for those who do not have a paid subscription and free Google Drive users.

Only those who have a paid account on G Suite can take advantage of this trick to get unlimited space on Google Drive. Just to make you understand the advantages of this guide, normally those who pay a subscription to G Suite must spend about 50 euros per month to have infinite and unlimited Gigabyte. With our instructions, instead, you only need to activate the monthly plan for less than 10 euros to reach the same goal. That is a saving of 40 euros per month.

Unlimited space on Google Drive: how to get it?

As promised, the steps to follow are few, simple, and affordable. You must:

Go to G Suite website > LINK
Choose at least the Business plan from 9.36 euros per month.
Go on Google Drive in the space reserved for you.
From the side menu, access the “Shared Drive” space (or “Team Drive”, it’s the same thing).
Upload files WITHOUT LIMITS within that folder.

In this way, paying less than 10 euros per month and without creating 5 users (so without paying 50 euros), you can have infinite and unlimited space on Google Drive.

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