How to recover a message deleted by mistake on WhatsApp with cloud backup trick 2019

by Abbey banji
whatsapp messenger

whatsapp messenger

If you use WhatsApp daily, you may have accidentally deleted one or more messages from a conversation, or even worse, a photo or video that you did not save. No need to panic, there is a fairly simple trick to recover content deleted by mistake on WhatsApp.

Depending on the cloud backup frequency configured in the app (every month, every week, or every day), deleted messages and files from the app can be restored in minutes. You can do this in 3 Easy steps below:

1. Compare the dates

To do this, you must first make sure that the deleted messages or chats are part of the latest backup made by WhatsApp. Compare the date (even approximate) of deleted items with the date of the last backup. You will find this information by going to the Settings, then in Discussions, enter the Backup menu where the date of the last backup is indicated.

2. Reinstall WhatsApp

If the date of the deleted messages is earlier than the date of the last WhatsApp cloud backup, the missing messages should be part of the backup. Uninstall the app from your device and reinstall it.



3. Restore the cloud backup

Open WhatsApp and reconfigure your account by entering your phone number. Then choose Restore existing cloud backup. You should then find all items deleted by mistake. Keep in mind that this manipulation will not work with the messages and contents you have just received, if the cloud backup has not been updated in the meantime.

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