[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections.

by Abbey banji
[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 48

This is the collections of best custom rom available for the Elephone Pioneer P7000 Smartphone . You just have to download and install them and choose best one to use as your daily driver on your phone. Most of the download links are not in english language, you can use a browser with automatic translation i recommend google Chrome browser.

Installing custom roms comes with many new features and great improvement which will make you enjoy your phone and also upgrade it.

Note: You must have a Custom recovery Installed on your phone in other to Install a custom rom or a modified stock rom. Download TWRP custom recovery For Elephone P7000 HERE. You can install this recovery with  Recovery flasher or Mobileuncle tools, check out this post and follow the instructions Here

Prerequisites And Things You Need To Do Before Flashing Custom Roms 

  • Make sure you have backup your phone internal storage and other important files.
  • Make sure you backup your IMEI and Nvram in a safe place (e.g external sdcard or pc) check out this post on how to backup your phone NVRAM/IMEI here.
  • Your battery backup must be at least 50% charged.
  • Don’t Forget to always Wipe Data, Cache and Dalvik Cache before installing a new rom.
  • Download and keep your phone Stock rom/firmware in a safe place.

You should know how to flash a stock rom/firmware using Sp-flashtools.
This will help refresh your phone to factory default and solve many
problems or incase your phone get bricked you can easily unbrick it check out this Post here.

List Of Available Custom Roms For Elephone P7000 Android 5.1.1




Rom 2.5 based P7000_Vibe Elephone on Lollipop 2015-5-30

[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 49
[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 50


For bugs and questions visit the rom developer site here


P7000_CyanogenMod12.1_20150529 based on Elephone All Android 5.1.1_Beta

[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 51
[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 52
[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 53



For bugs and questions visit the rom developer site here


Official Wireless Ota Update Lolipop Rom Elephone P7000_20150608

>> List of fixes in this update P7000_20150608:

  • Optimized Camera
  • Optimized Flash
  • Added ability to Lock application using fingerprint
  • Optimized sensor interface
  • optimized charging
  • optimized brightness and optimized system interface

1. FOTA can help the device to operate smoothly and efficiently.
2. It is recommended that you download the update over Wi-Fi
3. Please be sure that the phone is charged more than 30%, and unplug the charging before the upgrade.
4. Your device may restart several times during the update, please do not remove the battery during installation, upgrade and wait for the update to be completed.


P7000 Rublix v3 DSP ROM

  • firmware based on the stock, fully
  • All installed applications can be seen on screen
  • Modified battery in the status bar, including fancy icons and colorful view for different indications (1-10, 11-15, 16-100) (Good for people with poor visions.).
  • Rooted and including other tweaks
Patch For 3G, 4G

the patch to improve the sound

Elephone P7000 Rublix v2 DSP

1) odexed and optimized
2) new battery icons (activated after restart)
3) cleaned up and replaced a lot of ssystem bloatware and junk
4) New sound effects and equalizer: (Walkman + DSP + )
4) some unneeded system wallpaper have been deleted
5 ) New system animations



Elephone P7000 Rublix v1 Dolby ATMOS

[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 54

[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 55


P7000 Rublix v1 Elephone ViPER4Android + FX

Elephone P7000_20150629 Rublix v1_ViPER4Android + FX_deodex

Angels and Demons V3.2.Elephone 

  • Base P7000_20150807
  • Added settings ..
  • New Bootanimation by Joode
  • New battery icons, you can now choose from more than 100 types of batteries
  • Added clock down off center screen,
  • improved performance and speed in the rom
  • Modified internal codes for better stability and performance apks
  • Enabled option every time you restart the better recover rom
  • the apks,
  • optimizing performance.
  • improved and optimized ram management
  • Bootanimacion Angels and Demons (thanks to jooode)
  • Added Angels and Demons apk in menu and settings (thanks to ficeto for
  • developing it) with this you have access to:
  • (ViPER4Android (improved sound) to install the rom you carrying a
  • folder on your memory driver needed to run and apk
  • of downloads will be several configurations to enjoy it
  • Cpu spy
  • Exchange dpi (directly resizes all to put value)
  • Change IPR single apk (You can change dpi only the apk you want to
  • control CPU (controls levels of CPU as well as its settings)
  • GPS Fix to adjust the GPS to your region and improves positioning
  • Apk removing advertising downloads
  • added Most mods Customization )
  • optimization of mobile network signal
  • Low frequency scanning wifi battery saving over
  • the phone in May between sleep but deeper so save battery
  • Rooted

Download Rom



[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 56
[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 57


List of changes:

Dolby Atmos is added, for sound improvement
is added support init.d
menu settings icons changed  tweaks to improve battery consumption.
icons for the homescreen and lockscreen changed
File Explorer is replaced with CM File Explorer
some useful applications like ( root explorer, MobileUncle Tools 64
bits, One Key Lock (off screen app with a twist), Apk MDS, QuickBoot
(more menu when u want to restart), including recovery, Quickoffice and
Retro Clock is added in the settings menu direct access to engineer

It is advisable to goto “development options,” and change
the animation to 0.5 scales, It will make the launcher more stable and

ROM is based on the stock official rom released on 29.06.2015. Use  CWM recovery to install the rom or any other recovery.


Download link 2


Elephone P7000 DXP 20,150,910 + UPDATES BY AIR

[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 58



  • Stock firmware 5.1 and icons, 
  • OTA Update support.
  • Install with TWRP Recovery.
  • Use the more recent version from Google Support for Miravision.
  • Improved sound external speaker Fixed problem with application compatibility on Google Play
*Fingerprint reader and LED notifications not working.
* Not working flashlight

Download Link


SlimLP RC Rom Lolipop 

  • This Firmware is very light only 376mb.
  • Remove some unneeded google Services.
  • New modem,
  • latest patch for camera,
  • Very good battery management,
  • no more problems with using wallpaper on lockscreen (Any picture used by you, will be applied on lockscreen automatically).
  • New Ui animation, logos, sounds, new widget clock flip case (Screenshots) and so on …

Phone memory is not detected correctly only 2MB,You will need an sd-card.
There is no any other bugs or problems.

Download rom

Gapps ( Install with Recovery)


Root  (install with recovery)

Jiayu OS 5.1.1 beta 1

[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 59
[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 60
[Download][Firmware] Elephone Pioneer P7000 Custom Roms Collections. 61
The firmware is very similar to MIUI, as it is possible to apply  cm12.1 themes Since it is based on cm.
This rom will need Gapps

1.video recording do not work
2. The camera image freezes, to correct this activate developers settings and  Disable hardware overlay.

Download Rom



vivo FuntouchOS for P7000

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1 comment

Dammy Emmanuel January 30, 2016 - 11:06 am

Thanks bro.


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