LVL Is The First Tracker, Capable of Measuring The Body’s Hydration Level

by Abbey banji
LVL Is The First Tracker, Capable of Measuring The Body's Hydration Level 12

BSX Athletics Company has successfully created a new device that has no competition in today market due to it unique feature. Today the market offers a huge number of various fitness trackers, sports bracelets and smart wristband. All of them offer a similar set of features, with difference only in thier individual interface, such as the ability to measure heart rate, to notify you of incoming calls, etc.  The LVL tracker, is the first and only device in its class, capable of measuring the level of
hydration of the human body. In addition, the device can also monitor the sweat coming out of a user body during exercise or work and tells them how much water they need to drink to make them feel good.

The water level in the body is of vital importance to man, and also affects its condition, quality of sleep and even his results in sports training. Also, knowing the water level will help in losing weight, if that is the goal of the user. LVL constantly monitors the body’s hydration level and tells you how much water you need to drink for a normal state of health. It also tells you how much water you need to drink before going to bed, so that the owner will not wake up thirsty at night.

LVL Is The First Tracker, Capable of Measuring The Body's Hydration Level 13

BSX Athletics has assured the public that the LVL tracker can  measure performance 10 times more accurate than other trackers in the market today by using a special technology. In addition to tracking the body’s hydration level, LVL also operates like a normal fitness tracker, measuring heart rate and the number of steps, calories burned and more.

For a single charge LVL can last up to four days without charging, and charging takes less than two hours. Tracker is compatible with iOS and Android devices. It is currently available at a price of $ 129.  on kickstarter and price is expected to increase to about $ 199 very soon.

Source: Trustedreviews

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