Ways To Build Natural Looking Backlinks To Your Website Or Blog

by Abbey banji
Ways To Build Natural Looking Backlinks To Your Website Or Blog 9

     One of the biggest factors of ranking high in the search engines is by other websites linking to yours. And one of the most often asked questions by webmasters is……. How or where do i get backlinks to my website or blog? In this post am going to give you tips and ways to get Natural looking backlinks to your website or blog.

  7. Ways To Build Natural Looking Backlinks To Your Website Or Blog

1. By Interlink Your Blog Posts.

      Make sure that every post in your site links back to another post that you’ve written. Over time, you’ll have a network of tons of internal backlinks built up – all on your own site. Interlinking is done when you link one of your own pages to another internally within a website.
Since you control your site you can control your blog’s entire internal linking structure. This is important for traffic because of how search engines work.If you want the search engines to rank every single page of your blog you need to make sure they can find every page.Search engines use little software programs called “spiders” or “bots” that crawl around the web following links and “indexing” all the content of web pages. If your site is internally linked well together then you make it easy for the little spiders to index every page of your blog.

2. By Commenting On Related “DoFollow” blogs Or Website In Your Niche.

    By default, Some website and blogs have the HTML “NoFollow” attribute on links that point away from their sites. Most of them do this to prevent “link bleed” and prevent spammers from Filling up  their blogs with irrelevant comments. DoFollow blogs, on the other hand, don’t have this limitation – and you can use this to your advantage to get backlinks, You just have to make sure the blog or site you are putting your comments and website links is also related to your own site. It won’t do any good posting links and asking people on a sport blog or forum, to visit and download a software from your tech blog…….That is called Spamming.

3. Always Update Your Social Bookmark Profiles

     Make sure your profiles on Facebook, Digg, Googleplus, etc. have links back to your site.
You can also Become an expert (or ask lots of questions) On Question and answer sites, like Yahoo Answers, quora.com, question.com e.t.c. This sites are great for dropping backlinks to your website or blog. Whenever you ask or answer a question, make sure there’s a url link of your site in every question and answer you post.

4. By Linking To Other Blogs and Website

     One of the easiest ways to get backlinks is by linking to other blogs and website from your own post.if you’re looking to improve your SEO (and who isn’t?) learning how to link to other website is one of the first places you should start,it will Makes Your Site Valuable. No matter how great a website or blog you build, you can never be all things to all people, nor contain all the relevant information & value a user might be seeking on your given topic. As such, it makes great sense to link to other external resources and sites.

5. Always Write Linkbait Posts.

    Link bait is content on your website that other sites link to because they want to, not because you ask them to. Whether it’s an evergreen blog post, a helpful eBook, or a viral video, the linkable asset comes in many forms. writing Great content always serves as link bait. This is important to remember. When creating a blog post or revising copy on top-level pages, think about whether or not the content is link-worthy.

By Writing Guest Posts On Other Blogs 

    Guest posting means writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. Every webmasters and bloggers should offer Guest post on their own site (occasionally) and do it quite a bit on other blogs with audiences that they want to speak to. It’s a great way to connect with new readers and get their name out. There are three reasons why guest posting is such a key strategy for every blogger to build natural looking backlinks to their website, this also have other advantages like: building relationships, great for search engines and it will introduces you to new people.

Submit your site to RSS Feed Directories 

    If you are just starting a new blog or have very low traffic, one tactic you can use to gain backlink and get traffic from search engines is to add your blog’s RSS feed to blog directories. There are many out there of varying qualities. Below are some of the better ones you may or may not be familiar with.

* Feedest.com
* Postami.com
* 2RSS.com
* FeedsFarm.com
* RssFeeds.com
* Feeds4all.com
* Plazoo.com
* FeedBomb.com
* Page2go2.com
* Feedooyoo.com
* RSSmicro.com
* FeedFury.com
* Octora.com
* FindRSS.net
* FeedBase.net
* RSSmotron.com
* MoreNews.be
* DayTimeNews.com
* Rss-Feeds-Submission.com
* MillionRSS.com
* Yahoo RSS Guide
* MySpace.com News
* ReadABlog.com
* GoldenFeed.com
* BlogDigger.com
* RSSFeeds.com
* feed24.com
* Findory.com
* WeBlogAlot.com
* FeedBoy.com
* Chordata.info
* BlogPulse.com
* DayPop.com
* IceRocket.com
* Memigo.com
* Syndic8.com
* RSS-Network.com
* Feed-Directory.com
* Jordomedia.com
* Newgie.com
* Feeds2read.net
* NewzAlert.com
* Feedcycle.com
* Bloogz.com
* FeedShark.BrainBliss.com
* FeedPlex.com
* RocketInfo.com

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1 comment

Dammy Emmanuel January 30, 2016 - 11:24 am

Tanks sir great post, I was Very helpful.


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