Business Tools That Help Your Employees’ Productivity

by Abbey banji

It’s easy to think about technological advancements in business as directly pertaining to your business. What can help your business to grow? What can increase the productivity of your operations as a whole? How can you be more efficient?



Thinking of your business as a block unit might feel natural, but it can ignore some of the intricacies of how it actually functions. Your employees are a large part of these operations, for example, and what might help them to be productive could require a different way of thinking. However, supporting your staff members could be one of the more effective ways of providing your business with a solid foundation.

Convenience and Access

It might be that you’re aiming to create a situation where your employees can work more independently. If you remove the need for them to be consistently supervised and managed, they might feel more confident in tackling their own workload using their own judgment.

Of course, there will be times when it’s necessary for them to consult you or another member of staff, but a lot of the time, they simply need access to all the documents and resources that are relevant to your company.

With platforms like Claromentis, all of this is possible. These kinds of intranet platforms mean that your staff members are capable of working independently in remote environments, letting them be productive in their own rhythm.

People Skills

Of all the skills that you’re told are important in business, those that fall under the bracket of people skills feel the easiest to dismiss. You might think that they’re important for networking, but how are they going to help you beyond that? The answer comes when you’re trying to create a working environment where your employees are happy. You have to make each staff member feel as though they’re trusted and can trust you in return, and this might be more difficult than it sounds.

In terms of specific tools, it might be more about what you don’t use. Going back to that idea of trust and independence, if you’re consistently monitoring your employees and keeping track of how they spend their time, they might be less likely to feel as though they’re as valued as they would like to be in your company.

Calendars and Shared Information

Feeling as though they’re actually a part of a team might also be helpful. This can be because it’s encouraging to know that you’re working with others toward a common goal, but it’s also because collaboration can lighten the load of any given task and offer fresh perspectives that are genuinely constructive.

Therefore, having access to calendars that inform employees about other staff members’ availability can help them to structure their day, arranging meetings and co-working when it suits everyone. Similarly, if there are co-working spaces present in any shared working environments that you do have, this can help the work itself to be more flexible and less rigid in terms of how people approach it.

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