What are video thumbnails – Why do they matter a lot?

by Abbey banji

You might have heard a lot of times that thumbnails are important. There is no doubt that thumbnails are important but first, let us first talk about what video thumbnails are and why they have become the most important factors in video optimization. If you want to grow your video conversion rate and views, you must know that thumbnails are one of the most important factors on which your conversions and views would depend.



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What are video thumbnails?

In simple words, a youtube thumbnail is the first impression of your video clip that you would put on the minds of your viewers. You must know that the thumbnail of your video would determine whether you would get thousands of views or none at all.

Thumbnails are the images you see as the video preview when you are scrolling down on YouTube or any other popular video surfing platform. You can also consider it the thumbnail, just like the cover is to a book. This term was derived from “still images” and is a smaller version or teaser of what you see in the complete video. A thumbnail can show a single image or a bunch of images.

You need to know that a thumbnail is not necessarily a teaser or exact presentation of the original video. Rather the thumbnail images are created to give an idea of the original contents of the video to the viewers.

What are the essential elements of a thumbnail?

If you want to know what makes a good thumbnail, you need to consider the points mentioned below. A good thumbnail should:

  • Convey information about the subject of the video.
  • Show the face of a person speaking in an inviting way.
  • Promotes your channel or brand.
  • Must be optimized for all kinds of devices.

If you want to create a youtube thumbnail, then you need to make sure that you choose a consistent design for every video thumbnail. Moreover, you need to ensure that you use the right colours and text style in the thumbnail. Creating a thumbnail manually can be very difficult, so we would suggest you take the alternate route and use online thumbnail maker apps!

How to make thumbnails without any design skills?

If you want to create customized thumbnails, you need to have professional design skills and experience. If you don’t have professional skills, you can use the online video thumbnail maker apps. You can download these apps on your mobile and use its youtube banner template to create as many thumbnails as you want for free. The editing and customization process is quite simple. Even a person with no prior skills and experience can use the online youtube thumbnail creator.

Why are thumbnails so important?

There are many reasons why thumbnails are considered to be important. Some of the most important ones are discussed below:

Thumbnails can grab the attention of viewers

The most important reason why a thumbnail is important is that it can win users’ attention. When you are publishing videos online, you need to know that there is a lot of competition in this league. The only way to stand out is to create attractive thumbnails for your clips. Once your thumbnail wins the attention of a potential viewer, they will surely engage with your content.

Thumbnails provide your videos with a unique identity

On YouTube and other video surfing platforms, you can see hundreds of videos published under similar titles. If you want to set yourself apart from your competitors, you need to create the best thumbnail. Creating a unique and customized thumbnail would give your video a unique identity and show viewers that you have a stable brand.

Thumbnails are in trend these days

A very important thing that you need to know is that thumbnails are in trend these days. They have become necessary for every video clip. Statistics show that today a video clip published on the web without a thumbnail would only have a 1% chance of getting views. Today, thumbnails have become very important, and people are more inclined toward videos having thumbnails.


Thumbnails are the largest ranking factors

Today, if you want your videos to be ranked on higher search results, you need thumbnails. You should know that thumbnails are the largest ranking factor on the YouTube search engine, and so there is no way that you can get to the top if you are not using thumbnails.

These are some of the top reasons why thumbnails have become one of the most important reasons why thumbnails are crucial for every video. Now that you know the importance of thumbnails, you can create your own using the best thumbnail maker apps!

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