[Download Stock ROM] All Versions Samfirm tool (Latest Firmwares for All Samsung Devices)

by Abbey banji
samfirm download samsung firmware complete

samfirm tool download

samfirm tool download

SamFirm is a program for searching and quickly download the latest firmware versions for all Samsung phones. It allows you to download the Samsung Stock Firmware on your Computer, whether it is an md5 or tar firmware. Firstly, the tool downloads the firmware in an encrypted format which can be Decrypt after downloading of the firmware get completed.



For the program to work on your computer, you must have and install:

  • Microsoft NET Framework 3.5
    You can download from here: Download
  • and Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
    You can download from here: Download
  • A Samsung USB driver is needed for your phone to be detected.

Download samFirm All versions:

v0.4.1: SamFirm_v0.4.1.zip (Latest Version)

v0.4.0: SamFirm_v0.4.0.zip

v0.3.9: SamFirm_v0.3.9.zip

v0.3.8: SamFirm_v0.3.8.zip

v0.3.7: SamFirm_v0.3.7.zip

v0.3.6: SamFirm_v0.3.6.zip

v0.3.5: SamFirm_v0.3.5.zip

v0.3.4: SamFirm_v0.3.4.zip

v0.3.3: SamFirm_v0.3.3.zip

v0.3.2: SamFirm_v0.3.2.zip

v0.3.1: SamFirm_v0.3.1.zip

v0.3.0 : SamFirm_v0.3.0.zip

v0.2.9: SamFirm_v0.2.9.zip

v0.2.8: SamFirm_v0.2.8.zip

v0.2.7: SamFirm_v0.2.7.zip

v0.2.6: SamFirm_v0.2.6.zip

v0.2.5: SamFirm_v0.2.5.zip

v0.2.4: SamFirm_v0.2.4.zip

v0.2.3: SamFirm_v0.2.3.zip

v0.2.2: SamFirm_v0.2.2.zip

v0.2.1: SamFirm_v0.2.1.zip

How to find and download Samsung firmware file with samfirm:

  • After installing NET Framework 3.5 and Microsoft Visual C ++ on your computer, Unzip the samfirm software tool you have downloaded above into a folder and double click to run the program.
  • In the model, field enter your Samsung smartphone model number e.g SM-G925F
  • In the “Region” field, enter the country region code you want your stock ROM flash file to be downloaded, for example, BTU or XAA you can check out the list of Samsung region codes here.

To download the firmware for the region SER (Russia), SEK (Ukraine), CAC (Uzbekistan), SKZ (Kazakhstan), you need to enter the value “ SM-G950F D ” in the “Model” field, not SM-G950F.

  • Check the “Auto” box, and click “Check Update. “
  • A single single-file official firmware does not exist anymore, all firmware are downloaded in a multi-file version. Therefore, the Binary Nature checkbox in the program can be omitted, since in any case multi-file firmware is downloaded).
  • After the program finds the firmware, check the “Decrypt automatically” boxes (to extract and transcode the firmware to the desired format), “Check CRC32” (to check the checksums) and click “Download”. Specify the path or folder to download the firmware.

Do not rush to turn off the program until it recodes the firmware into the desired format and checks the checksums. You should see the progress green bar in the program passes 2 times and the message below should appear:

Checking CRC32 … Success
CRC match and Decrypting firmware … Decryption finished.

indicating the completion of checksum and decoding operations). It may take some time, do not rush.

samfirm download samsung firmware complete

samfirm download samsung firmware complete

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