Fastest DNS: Here Are The ONES TO USE (And How To Change Them)

by James
Fastest DNS

In this article, as you may have guessed, we are going to see which the best and fastest alternative DNS are to set up on your device to browse the internet.

As you well know, the DNS change mainly allows you to access all blocked and obscured sites in Italy (especially streaming ones) without problems. Of course, changing DNS also has other advantages, but the main one is the ability to open any website without any blocking and without any limitations.


Choosing the Best DNS

Changing DNS on any device is a very easy and very simple operation, within the reach of any user. It only takes a few clicks to surf the internet freely thanks to the DNS change.

The main problem lies in the choice of DNS to use. In fact, there are many alternative DNS, and the greatest difficulty lies in choosing the best and fastest service to rely on.

Using slow DNS would automatically cause a slowdown in web browsing speeds, as well as slower downloads and uploads in our daily lives. At the same time, using fast DNS allows us to make the most of our internet connection bandwidth, watch 4K videos without interruption and upload or download files at maximum speed.

In short, it seems clear to me that choosing the best and fastest DNS is essential when choosing to change them.

But how do I find the fastest DNS?

Simple, I’ll show you them!

Below you will find the list of the best DNS and especially the fastest ones to use on your Windows PC, macOS, Android, iPhone and iPad and on any other device connected to the network.

The article will ALWAYS be updated, so that we ALWAYS offer you the best DNS to use.

At this point I would say stop chatting and get straight to the point!

Best DNS: Here Are the Ones to Use

  1. Cloudflare:
  2. DNSFilter: Paid
  3. FlashStart: paid
  4. NextDNS: you can find them HERE
  5. Google:
  6. Cisco Umbrella:
  7. Neustar:
  8. Quad9:
  9. G-Core DNS: Paid
  10. NuSEC:
  11. SafeDNS: Paid
  12. Yandex DNS: free, you can find them HERE
  13. OpenDNS:

The article with the ranking is updated EVERY MONTH.

However, if you want to make sure that you ALWAYS use the best and fastest alternative DNS, click on the link below to see the most reliable test that measures DNS providers on a daily basis and shows you statistics updated in real time: DISCOVER THE FASTEST DNS ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE HERE

NOTE FOR NEXTDNS (Thanks to user Pat)

If you want to avoid creating an account on NextDNS but still want to try out its DNS, there is a generic one. Of course, it can’t be configured as your personal one. It’s like setting up Cloudflare in practice. Here’s how to do it:

  • Private DNS on Android smartphones:
  • DNS in your computer’s security settings:

Fastest DNS: What Are They?

At the moment, as you can see, the best and fastest DNS are Cloudflare’s as far as Europe is concerned.

I therefore recommend that you use these if you want to be sure that you have the BEST ones.


Well, with this article on the best and fastest alternative DNS we are done.

Check back in the coming months to find out if the ranking has changed and if new, even faster services have arrived.

If you have any doubts or questions, leave a comment at the end of the article and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

A Few Words About DNS

Before leaving the page, I’ll leave you some info about DNS.

What is DNS?

The Domain Name System or more simply DNS, is the communication protocol used by all those who surf the internet, usually offered directly by your Internet Service Provider, i.e. by the “provider” of internet services with whom you have entered into the contract (for example: Telecom, Fastweb, Tiscali, etc.).

DNS, what are they for?

Each website has its own personal IP address, made up of a series of numbers.

In short, it can be seen as a kind of “phone number” that allows you to access the page you are looking for on the internet. Fortunately, however, the user does not need to remember the exact number of the site, but the name is enough, such as, etc.


To give an example, one of the IP addresses attributed to the most famous search engine Google is By entering this string into your browser, you will automatically be directed to the Google Italy homepage.

For the user, however, it would be impossible to remember the IP addresses of the various siteshe decides to visit, but thanks to DNS it is enough to simply remember the name. On the machine side, this “translation” takes place thanks to DNS, capable of reading the name typed by the user, translating it and recalling the IP associated with it.

DNS, why change them?

There are various reasons that push users to change DNS.

For example, those set by default by your carrier may be slow or saturated, and as a result, internet browsing may be too slow.

Worse, if you may have been infected with some virus or malware capable of modifying DNS, redirecting your browsing sessions to unsafe or porn sites.

In most cases, however, DNS is changed to access blocked and obscured sites in Italy, especially those of movies, TV series and sports streaming.

In general, however, it is a good habit to check the DNS values whenever the internet connection is not fluid, too slow or even absent. If you haven’t encountered any problems, but simply want to try alternative, better or faster DNS, it only takes a few steps to change them to the ones I have recommended.

How to change DNS?

The procedure varies from device to device.

Change DNS Mac

  • Go to the Apple icon at the top left > “System Preferences” > “Network”
  • In the list on the left, select how you are connected to the internet. In my case, “WiFi” and then click on “Advanced”
Fastest DNS: Here Are The ONES TO USE (And How To Change Them) 13
  • Now click on “DNS” and you will see the “DNS Servers” screen
  • In the list, enter the recommended DNS at the beginning of the article (by clicking on the “+” at the bottom left)
  • Once entered, click “OK” at the bottom right to save the changes and you’re done

Change iPhone DNS, iPto

  • Open iOS Settings
  • Select Wi-Fi and then find the network you are connected to
  • Tap on the “i” shown on the right
  • Scroll down to the “Configure DNS” line
  • Set the voice from Automatic to Manual
  • Click Add Server.
Fastest DNS: Here Are The ONES TO USE (And How To Change Them) 14
  • Type the DNS address you prefer from those recommended at the beginning of the article
  • Confirm & Save All
  • Done!

PLEASE NOTE: Changing DNS addresses is only allowed for Wi-Fi connections.


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