How to install and Play God of War 3 ppsspp iso Highly Compressed and play on PPSSPP GOLD Emulator (Download Link)

by Abbey banji


Download god of war 3 psp highly compressed iso ppsspp : God of War III is a beat them all action-adventure video game released in 2010 on PlayStation 3 and developed by SCE Santa Monica Studio. It is a direct sequel to the game God of War II published on PlayStation 2. This opus obtains a big budget for its development, and becomes a critical and commercial success. God of War 3 Ascensions is the latest installment in the popular God of War series. God of War: Ascension is an action game released by sce, SCE Santa Monica Studio released on March 12, 2013, for Sony PlayStation 3 and Android Device with PPSSPP Gold Emulator.

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About God of War 3 Ascension PSP iso ppsspp Characters?

  • Kratos: the main protagonist of the game. Kratos finds himself on the verge of madness, 6 months after the death of his wife and child, he broke his blood oath with Ares. This betrayal led him to judge the Furies.
  • The Furies: The three sisters who predate the Titans and the Gods, the Furies are formidable punishers for those who break their oath. They are the main antagonists of the game, chasing and torturing Kratos for lighting Ares.
    Orkos: Guardian of oaths, he helps Kratos to break ties and defeat the sisters.
  • Aletheia: Kratos is sent to Delphi to find the Oracle, who could help him in his quest for freedom.
  • Lysandra: Kratos’ wife, appears for Kratos in visions during the match.
  • Calliope: daughter of Kratos, she appears in visions to Kratos.
  • Archimedes: historical mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer who built the massive statue of Apollo on Delos.
  • The scribe of Hecatonchires: the first mortal imprisoned by the Furies. He has kept records since his imprisonment, which Kratos finds around the prison.
    Redeemed Warrior: The warrior model used in multiplayer has a small cameo as a prisoner at the start of the game.

Awards For God of war 3 psp iso android

God of War III was named Best PS3 Game of the Year at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards. It also received the Best Achievement Award.

Download and install God Of War 3 ppsspp iso highly compressed Android?

Download PPSSPP Gold Emulator APK

Use the buttons below:

1: load the PPSSPP emulator on your Android and install it.

2: Download the game on the machine or on your Android

3: Unzip the game file.

4: Open the PPSSPP application and find the game file.

5: Battle game.

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Ibrahim September 9, 2020 - 12:37 pm

My download isn’t working. Pls send the link of the game to my wassap number. 09031544475

makesnosense January 30, 2021 - 8:40 pm

umm u sure u wanna link ur number b?????? there are more then one sites that have it ya know

Ezekiel February 19, 2021 - 11:55 pm

I can’t download it please send me the linklink 08059863268

OZ March 28, 2021 - 6:32 pm


Prabhu February 26, 2022 - 1:32 am



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