Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 Mod iso ppsspp emulator – PSP APK Iso Rom highly compressed 600MB

by Abbey banji

Download Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 Mod iso version and Save data + TEXTURES ppsspp file by AR Gaming26 highly compressed in only 600MB in size. You can play on PSP Emulator Apk on your Android/iOS device, including windows computer or Mac easily without a need for external game controllers or console device-via PPSSPP.



Naruto shippuden Ninja storm 5 psp iso rom for the PPSSPP emulator is a modified version of the original game that you can now play on your Android phones, thanks to the original developers of this game that modified it. You will have to extract the original save data and texture into your ppsspp emulator folder for this game to work.

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The game is a part of the Naruto: Narutimate Series of fighting video games, based on the popular manga and anime series. There is a total of 32 characters featured in the game. One of the new gameplay additions is the introduction of assist characters. Assist characters are chosen during character selection, and can be called in during a match to deal extra damage. Certain combinations of characters create unique jutsu in a match; these combinations reflect the associations of those characters in the anime and manga.

Features Of Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 PPSSPP Highly Compressed

  • This game has been modified with graphics and textures.
  • Many of the character’s jutsu from the previous game were updated.
  • The game retains the RPG mode from previous game, now allowing the player to control characters other than Naruto.

List of the Game Fighting arenas:

  • Root Lair
  • Zone 44 Forest of Death
  • Konoha Forest
  • Chûnin Exam Arena
  • Watchtower
  • Naruto Bridge
  • Valley of the End
  • Sky and Earth Bridge
  • Azure Plain
  • Orochimaru’s Lair
  • Konoha Village
  • Suna village
  • Tanzaku
  • Twilight cliff
  • Akatsuki Lair
  • Altar of Orochimaru
  • Five Seal Barrier
  • Konoha Gate
  • At the Moonlight
  • Training area
  • Suna Gate
  • Desert
  • Green region
  • Suburbs of Tanzaku

Requirements For Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 ISO CSO Highly Compressed

  • Android 4.1 and above operating system
  • Minimum of 1 GB of RAM
  • Minimum of a quad-core processor
  • PSP Emulator, it’s PPSSPP, you can download it below.

Download PPSSPP Emulator Latest Version 

How to Download Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 PPSSPP Highly Compressed ISO ROM and CSO

Here is the direct download links on Mediafire including savedata and textures, they are all available in full and highly compressed versions.

DOWNLOAD Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 PSP PPSSPP ISO COMPRESSED (600 MB)(Mediafire link FULL VERSION)

Password: AR Gaming26

DOWNLOAD Textures for Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 PSP PPSSPP ISO Emulator (Mediafire link)

Password: AR Gaming26

DOWNLOAD Savedata for Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 PSP PPSSPP ISO Emulator (Mediafire link)

Password: AR Gaming26

To download Naruto Ninja Storm Five PSP ISO ROM game File on your smartphone then you need to follow the steps below. It will help you easily download the game on your phone:

  1. First, click on the direct Download button above from Mediafire where the Naruto Ninja Storm V ISO is hosted.
  2. Wait for the page to completely get loaded on your browser.
  3. Press on the download button and wait for the server to send the Zip file to your Browser.
  4. Verify and accept the download request and wait for the file to get downloaded.
  5. Wait until the psp iso rom file gets completely downloaded on your smartphone and play on PPSSPP emulator apk.

How To Install and Play Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 PPSSPP – PSP Iso ROM File Savedata and Textures.

By following these simple steps below you can easily install and play Naruto ultimate Ninja Storm 5 PPSSPP – PSP Iso File using emulator on Android:

  1. Download and install ZArchiver (if you don’t have it already).
  2. Also, install the latest PPSSPP emulator from above (if you don’t have it yet).
  3. Download the Game compressed iso cso from above to your phone storage.
  4. Download the game Save data + TEXTURES from above to your phone storage.
  5. Extract the Game ISO file using ZArchiver Pro. To do that, click on the ISO and select to open with ZArchiver Pro, then click on extract.
  6. Also, Extract the Game Save data + TEXTURES file using ZArchiver Pro.
  7. Ensure to extract the ISO to PPSSPP >> PSP >> Game on your SD card or internal storage where you can easily find it.
  8. Move SAVEDATA to PSP Folder -> SAVEDATA
  9. Move the TEXTURE to the PSP Folder -> TEXTURE
  10. Launch the PPSSPP app. Then navigate to the Game tab. You should see the Naruto Ninja Storm 5 icon there. If you don’t, then open your file manager from the emulator and locate the game file.

Best Settings For Naruto shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 ISO CSO ROM: PSP PPSSPP Emulator

This is the best settings to play shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 5 iso PSP on all android phones with 100% full speed using PPSSPP Emulator.

  • Mode: Non-Buffered Rendering
  • Display Resolution: 2x PSP or More
  • Fast Memory: On
  • Frameskipping = 0 (or 1 if running slow)
  • Leave Rest Default

That is the minimum settings needed to run.

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1 comment

John dee April 4, 2022 - 9:42 am

This is not naruto shippuden 5 .. this is naruto shippuden 3 and it is japanese version. 😡😡😡


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